July 15th, 2022 saw our sell-out first screening of NO FARE: THE SIAN GREEN STORY. The reaction to the film, both during and after the film was fantastic. There were tears, laughter, anger and disbelief as the story played out, before the room was filled with joy and warm admiration as the credits rolled and the film’s inspirational central character, Sian Green-Lord stepped on to stage for the audience Q and A.

Sian was joined by Director, Matt Holt and Producer, Wayne Kelly for an audience question and answer session, moderated by fellow documentarian, Nick Hamer.

You can watch the full Q and A session below.

As you will see, the reaction to the film was overwhelmingly positive with an engaged audience interested to learn more about Sian’s story and the making of the film - as well as asking the all-important question of where they will be able to see the film in the future. Stay tuned for more updates on further cinema screenings, while talks continue with suitable distribution partners and broadcasters, to bring Sian’s incredible and uplifting story to a wider audience.

Spoon Jar Films’ proceeds from the first 3 screenings of the film are to be donated to Sian’s amputee charity, The Sian Green Foundation.

Were you at the screening? Tell us what you thought in the comments below and follow the film on Facebook and Twitter here.